In order to do some dungeon exploring with my boys, I have been painting some miniatures with dungeon-style bases. My comfort zone is metal miniatures. Only two of these are metal. The original Heroquest zombie (last image) is hard plastic, the rat is resin and the ‘friendly lady’ is the […]
Recently I have painted some goblins (and a snotling). I have been experimenting a bit with goblinoid skin colours. I think goblins look best with a mixture of skin colours – ranging from green to almost yellow. The miniatures are all old Citadel Miniatures. The absurdly blue (why did I […]
Here is a halfling musician that I have sculpted. Sadly it would be impossible to mould and cast this little guy – so I’ll just paint him myself. I am considering making a new version and some other halfling musicians that CAN be moulded and cast. 18mm from his feet […]
A bit of fun with some miniatures and some messing around with white balance in post processing to try to make the torch seem more realistc. The giant is from Metal Magic (an old German miniatures company – I bought this giant when I was 16!) and the peasant from […]
Halloween seems the perfect time to post some old Citadel zombies (from the 1980s) that I have recently painted. These old models are so characterful and whacky. I have several more to paint up, so stay tuned!
You who dare to disturb the sleep of the ancients, beware! You who glimpse the sights unseen and hear the sounds unheard, despair. The revenge of those ancients lords will find you. A Ral Partha (DSA) mummy, painted by me. Werbung wegen Markennennung. Considered Advertising due to naming of brands.
The first in a series of halflings I am working on. The little guy looks a little patchy because I applied the two-part putty that I use to cover the metal armature rather too thickly – the colour changes when it is baked and then it leaks through the Beesputty […]
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune and and some alien slugs must be in want of more alien slugs…. and therefore I have sculpted some more. They will be available at some point in the near future from One […]
I found some time to do some painting and am working on reducing my ‘lead mountain’. I have now fully switched to undercoating my models in light grey. This makes my recent models a lot brighter than previous models undercoated in black. Endlich habe ich die Zeit gefunden, ein paar […]
So – finally a new human sculpt – and this time a nude. Basically, the biggest problems I have had so far is anatomy and correct positioning. With miniatures that are under 3cm in height, being 1mm off when positioning the armature can alread make the final sculpt look wrong. […]