A new citizen of Highstone – can be found on the side of the defenders of Highstone – or at loggerheads with the city watch. The miniature is by Foundry and is ex-Citadel. Highstone, like any other town or village, has its share of thieves, villains, pimps and other scum. […]
Arlo Rundle is one of the border walkers who live along the walls, fences and hedges that mark the boundary of the farmlands and noble estates that spread out at the foot of Highstone. The border walkers are often huntsman or small farmers who receive an income from the city […]
Here are the first inhabitants of my fantasy town (provisonally named ‘Highstone’). The beginnings of the city watch. Sgt Darnan (a 90s Citadel halbardier) and his slavering friend, Nibbler (A Citadel ‘Mordheim’ dog). Stats for Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes. Rolan Harnan – age 35. Comes from a long […]
I have recently been painting miniatures that ‘live’ in a fantasy town in a world that I have been slowly developing in my head. I have already made some sketches of my town… but today came across this site: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator – a nice way to generate quick medieval fantasy cities. […]
Some people apparently seemed to think that William the Conqueror (also known as William the Bastard) was a jovial, friendly, fluffy-bunny of a man…. what were they smoking??? The Harrying of the North was not the act of a nice chap…. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/aug/20/william-i-how-we-misunderstood-the-conqueror-for-950-years
I have decided that Saga is the historical tabletop game I want to try my hand at – and as I had some random Saxons and Norse lying around from some previous dabbling with Warhammer Ancient Battles – I thought I’d paint some of them up for Saga. Here is […]
A fantastically useful resource on colours used in the dark ages – very useful for painting Northmen, Saxons and co…. http://www.rosieandglenn.co.uk/TheLibrary/Costume/CnTGuides/General/Colours.htm
So – here are two newly painted miniatures from (previously unknown to me) C-P Models – http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk I have to say – I really love these miniatures – they were a delight to paint and are wonderfully quirky. I am not sure exactly what I am going to use them for – […]