Here is an ongoing list of FANTASY miniature producers that I hope should be useful. Historical list to come! – Based in the USA, featuring Lance & Laser Miniatures (with many ex-Grenadier and Metal Magic minis) DragonRune Miniatures, and many more. Well worth checking out! – An […]
I think this bacon may be past its sell-by date…. I forgot to post this before. This little piggy was sculpted by Phil Hynes and is available at Bears Head Miniatures (is there meant to be a possessive apostrophe in there?). Painted by me. A nice little addition to my undead […]
The threats of the forest areas of the world in which Highstone is situated are in many ways unlimited. Myths, fairy tales, monsters, nightmares… they all dwell there. From the benign to the outright hostile, from harmless sprites to the great powers whose names are whispered on dark nights… Baba […]
Having got back my first miniature in metal (the little doggy from my previous post – available here) I thought I’d quickly break out my paints and add him to my miniatures display cabinet. So… without further ado…. Mr Snuffles is one of the ‘community dogs’ in Highstone and its […]
Rayia is not orginally from Highstone. Rumor has it that she was an acolyte of a cult who fled her temple, far to the south-east of Highstone, after it was overrun by an incursion from the surrounding deep forests. After many adventures, she finally reached Highstone and realised that it offered her […]
Grak is a member of the race known as ogres. He is, despite is appearance, a sensitive soul who enjoys writing heroic ballads and surpising people with his deep yet melodic voice singing. Ogres are, however, rarely employed for their singing voices, and Grak works as a caravan guard, guarding […]
So – here are two newly painted miniatures from (previously unknown to me) C-P Models – I have to say – I really love these miniatures – they were a delight to paint and are wonderfully quirky. I am not sure exactly what I am going to use them for – […]