Here is a halfling musician that I have sculpted. Sadly it would be impossible to mould and cast this little guy – so I’ll just paint him myself. I am considering making a new version and some other halfling musicians that CAN be moulded and cast. 18mm from his feet […]
The first in a series of halflings I am working on. The little guy looks a little patchy because I applied the two-part putty that I use to cover the metal armature rather too thickly – the colour changes when it is baked and then it leaks through the Beesputty […]
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune and and some alien slugs must be in want of more alien slugs…. and therefore I have sculpted some more. They will be available at some point in the near future from One […]
So – finally a new human sculpt – and this time a nude. Basically, the biggest problems I have had so far is anatomy and correct positioning. With miniatures that are under 3cm in height, being 1mm off when positioning the armature can alread make the final sculpt look wrong. […]
I decided to sculpt something a bit different…. alien slugs. They will be available in the future from CP Models. I am making some larger ones for them too – because who doesn’t love an alien slug? Ich habe mich entschieden, etwas anderes zu modellieren – außerirdische Nacktschnecken. Sie werden […]
So – I thought it might be time to get some more painting done. So – here is my sculpt of a grumpy old peasant chap – armed with a walking stick and a club. Those kids has better stay away from his vegetable patch! Available from Winterpig. Also dachte […]
Werbung wegen Markennennung. Considered Advertising due to naming of brands. The ship’s first officer looked impatiently at his schedule and then down at the small orange alien standing before him. “Well Mr Sk’Weeg, what do you say? We need an answer straight away. Our next tour starts tomorrow at 6am […]
The boundaries surrounding human settlements are not perfect. Smaller beings often slip through tiny cracks and holes. These beings mainly cause mischief rather actual harm… unless they happen to be feeding off your crops, in which case border walkers are called in to deal with them. In cases of serious […]
Here are two nut-obsessed little sweeties. The first one is a little big (more like a small dog in 28mm scale than a squirrel) so I made a second, smaller one. The first one could either be used as a dire squirrel (they are a thing in D&D apparently) or […]
I have been fiddling round with different ways to photograph my minis. I decided to take photos of two of my peasants on a piece of black perspex. I quite like the effect. Minis are available from Rapier miniatures – although the burning torch is a bit longer in this […]